Dr. Tebabu enrolled in Haile Selassie I university following an outstanding achievement in University entrance examination, getting five A’s out of seven subjects he took. He narrowly missed a perfect result. He was awarded a watch from the Emperor for his outstanding achievement. Dr. Tebabu started his freshman year at Aratkilo campus during the 1970-71 academic year. This proved to be the beginning big life changes beyond academics.

In the university years, we see the main events that shaped his life and how he impacted people and events. This will give us a glimpse and evoke the memory of those years. The university years are very critical in shaping many things includinng the transition to the years abroad.
Prior to 1972, the School of Medicine was located on the main campus for preclinical training and the then Princess Tsehay Memorial Hospital (now, the Armed Forces General Hospital) for clinical training. Later, with the opening of the Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) in 1972, the hospital became the only site for training medical doctors. Coincidently, Dr. Tebabu started his pre-med in the new building that was attached to Black Lion Specialized Hospital

Dr. Tebabu’s classmates paid a high price during the red Terror that was launched by the Derge (the military Junta that overthrew the emperor). One heroic deed Dr. Tebabu and his classmates carried out was one of their classmates, Shemeles was seriously wounded by the army and was sent to black Lion hospital for treatment. Dr. Tebabu and his classmates worked round the clock and saved Shemeleses life. They smugled him out since he was gurged by the army. Unfortunately, since shemeles was a committed fighter for democracy, he was killed while demonstrating.

One other event that shaped Dr. Tebabu’s university years was Edget be Hebret campaign. Edget be Hebret Zemecha, a national youth campaign launched by the Derg regime in 1975, had a significant impact on Ethiopia’s history and especially on the lives of the young men and women who were forced to participate in the campaign. while the campaing was for two years. due to shortages of high school Techers, Dr. Tebabu thought in high school in the second year of the campaign. (Looking for his picture during this time.)