Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu’s Debre Zeit years cover both his elementary and secondary Education. Those are the times where he made his best friends for life. Below are a collage of pictures that shows a snippets of the life and classmates of Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu. He had a rich life in Debre Zeit like every where else he went.

Teba’s Early yearsDr. Tebabu Wubetu’s Early YearsAs those who grew up with him in Debre Zeit remember, in early years around Grade 4, Dr. Tebabu Wubetu was a very neatly dressed, organized, disciplined, respectful and loving person. His academic power started early on in his childhood and continued excelling as demonstrated in his outstanding achievements of becoming a renowned consultant in the UK in the areas of his specialization.
Budding Scientist: Teba’s early yearsBudding ScinetistsDr Tebabu Tessema Wubetu (left) and his classmates demonstrating a science experiment of producing hydrogen gas (Adanu Bedane, middle) in the laboratory and creating micro-explosions of hydrogen bubbles from a flame held by young Jitendra Mistry. This was an experiment demonstrated on Parents Day of 1957 Eth. C. school year). Dr. Tebabu and Jitendra dedicated themselves to science starting early.
Teba’ Grade 7 or 8 Class pictureDr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu with his ClassmatesDr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu (red circle) is showing early signs of surgery with a knife in his hand, captured in a picture with his classmates in 1961 or 1962 Eth. C.). Only him and a student seating next to him are holding a knife.
Dr.Tebabu receiving AwardOutstanding educational achievement Award Dr. Tebabu was an outstanding student. He was first in his class both in elementary and secondary school. This is one of the many awards he was accepting for his academic excellence.
Teba-Brook-Tad-Libneding-schoolV2Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu (left), Professor Brook Lemma (middle) and Taddesse Haile (right) are posing in front of Atse Libnedingle, their elementary School building, during a visit in 2012. Currently the school is upgraded and re-named as Bishoftu Secondary School.
Atse Libnedingle Elementary school in Debre Zeit.
Teba-Tad-libnedigle-classroom Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu and Taddesse Haile in one of the classrooms at Atse Libnedingle elementary school. Very excited as they remembered that they were called the “wonderers” in 4D classroom because they changed their seats often. They turned out wonderers indeed by spreading out in the world with Tebabu in the UK and Taddesse in Canada!
Rememebering the classroom 4D experienceelementary school stageDr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Professor Brook Lemma, and Taddesse Haile standing on the podium of Atse Libnedingle elementary school auditorium; remembering the many activities that took place on the stage including Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu receiving several academic awards and taking part in plays shown to schoolmates and parents.
Atse Libnedingle Special Event Stage
Acting-stupid-farmer-tadA number of plays were staged on the Atse Libndngele Elementary School Stage. The picture above was the acting of “The Farmer of Fokka” performed by his classmates. Dr. Tebabu Wubetu also acted in another play entitled “The Twelve Apostles”.
School Play
Teba-Brook-Tad-libnedingle-jersey-donationBelow, in 2012 Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu handed over a donation of school team jersey and shorts to Atse Libnedengle (Bishoftu Secondary School) principal.
Teba-Brook-Tad-Principal-viewing-debrezeit-libndingle-hillLooking down at the view of one side of Debre Zeit from the height of the top of Atse Libnedingle Secondary School in 2012. Admiring the nostalgic view from left to right were School Principal, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Professor Brook Lemma and Taddesse Haile.
TcubedS.G.JNewly built Prince Tenagnework High School. 
Standing shoulder to shoulder are the T3-, S, G, J. Group. This is a group formed in Grade 11 with the above six students. From left to right: Taddesse, Dr. Tebabu, Tariku, Solomon, Gizachew, and Jitendra.
This Group was formed under the leadership of Dr. Tebabu Wubetu and its main intention was to study t and succeed ogether at the university entrance exam, known as Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate (ESLC). As a result, all six of the group members were able to attain first degree and above.
Teba-tariku-Solomon-Tad-LahoraroadCasually Strolling are from left to right Tariku, Solomon, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Taddesse Haile. Walking and bicycling were the major from of moving from place to place for these young men in the 1960s in Debre Zeit.
Heading layerWalking was a major past time Activity
Group study BreakGroup study break by Lake HoraDr Tebabu Tessema Wubetu and his three childhood friends taking a stroll by Lake Hora. It is in this area where the T-cubed S.G.J study for their university admission exam. This is time out of study.
extended friends and familyA day of Exchanging of Vows of Love and Spending a Lifetime Together 
This was an important moment for Dr. Tebabu as it opened a happy and contented life for him and his loving family. He always proudly talked about his family.
Extended family and friendsThis picture of family and friends was taken after a high school graduation celebration in 1962 Eth. C. In the picture standing from left to right: Tariku, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Jitendra’s father and mother, Taddesse, Solomon. Siting from left to right Brook, Jitendra and Endale. Unfortunately, Tariku, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, and Jitu’s parents are no longer physically with us.
debrezeit-railstationV2 Memorable old Debre Zeit Train Station. It is currently abandoned as Addis Djibouti line moved to another location. Besides serving as pass by route to go to elementary school, it is memorable as Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu was persuaded by his childhood friend Taddesse Haile not to leave Debre Zeit by train at this station.
Life Direction changing place

As those who grew up with him in Debre Zeit remember, in early years around Grade 4, Dr. Tebabu Wubetu was a very neatly dressed, organized, disciplined, respectful and loving person. His academic power started early on in his childhood and continued excelling as demonstrated in his outstanding achievements of becoming a renowned consultant in the UK in the areas of his specialization.

Dr Tebabu Tessema Wubetu (left) and his classmates demonstrating a science experiment of producing hydrogen gas (Adanu Bedane, middle) in the laboratory and creating micro-explosions of hydrogen bubbles from a flame held by young Jitendra Mistry. This was an experiment demonstrated on Parents Day of 1957 Eth. C. school year). Dr. Tebabu and Jitendra dedicated themselves to science starting early.

Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu (red circle) is showing early signs of surgery with a knife in his hand, captured in a picture with his classmates in 1961 or 1962 Eth. C.). Only him and a student seating next to him are holding a knife.

Dr. Tebabu was an outstanding student. He was first in his class both in elementary and secondary school. This is one of the many awards he was accepting for his academic excellence.

Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu (left), Professor Brook Lemma (middle) and Taddesse Haile (right) are posing in front of Atse Libnedingle, their elementary School building, during a visit in 2012. Currently the school is upgraded and re-named as Bishoftu Secondary School.
Atse Libnedingle Elementary school in Debre Zeit.

Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu and Taddesse Haile in one of the classrooms at Atse Libnedingle elementary school. Very excited as they remembered that they were called the “wonderers” in 4D classroom because they changed their seats often. They turned out wonderers indeed by spreading out in the world with Tebabu in the UK and Taddesse in Canada!
Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Professor Brook Lemma, and Taddesse Haile standing on the podium of Atse Libnedingle elementary school auditorium; remembering the many activities that took place on the stage including Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu receiving several academic awards and taking part in plays shown to schoolmates and parents.

A number of plays were staged on the Atse Libndngele Elementary School Stage. The picture above was the acting of “The Farmer of Fokka” performed by his classmates. Dr. Tebabu Wubetu also acted in another play entitled “The Twelve Apostles”.

Below, in 2012 Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu handed over a donation of school team jersey and shorts to Atse Libnedengle (Bishoftu Secondary School) principal.
Looking down at the view of one side of Debre Zeit from the height of the top of Atse Libnedingle Secondary School in 2012. Admiring the nostalgic view from left to right were School Principal, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Professor Brook Lemma and Taddesse Haile.

Standing shoulder to shoulder are the T3-, S, G, J. Group. This is a group formed in Grade 11 with the above six students. From left to right: Taddesse, Dr. Tebabu, Tariku, Solomon, Gizachew, and Jitendra.
This Group was formed under the leadership of Dr. Tebabu Wubetu and its main intention was to study t and succeed ogether at the university entrance exam, known as Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate (ESLC). As a result, all six of the group members were able to attain first degree and above.
Casually Strolling are from left to right Tariku, Solomon, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Taddesse Haile. Walking and bicycling were the major from of moving from place to place for these young men in the 1960s in Debre Zeit.

Dr Tebabu Tessema Wubetu and his three childhood friends taking a stroll by Lake Hora. It is in this area where the T-cubed S.G.J study for their university admission exam. This is time out of study.

This was an important moment for Dr. Tebabu as it opened a happy and contented life for him and his loving family. He always proudly talked about his family.
This picture of family and friends was taken after a high school graduation celebration in 1962 Eth. C. In the picture standing from left to right: Tariku, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, Jitendra’s father and mother, Taddesse, Solomon. Siting from left to right Brook, Jitendra and Endale. Unfortunately, Tariku, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu, and Jitu’s parents are no longer physically with us.

Memorable old Debre Zeit Train Station. It is currently abandoned as Addis Djibouti line moved to another location. Besides serving as pass by route to go to elementary school, it is memorable as Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu was persuaded by his childhood friend Taddesse Haile not to leave Debre Zeit by train at this station.
Here is a beautiful poem entitled ሐምሌ (July) written by the talented poet Befirdu to remember his friends. The red colours identifies the name of Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu’s and Befirdu’s classmates. Befirdu weaves the classmates name in the poem which talks about the month of ሐምሌ (July).
ወራቶቹ ሁሉ ሔዱ እየተጠጋጉ
ዘር አልማው ለጋስ ወር ሐምሌ ቀርቧል ደጉ፡፡
ገና ከወዲሁ ሐምሌ እኔን ትዝ እያለኝ
ተስፋዬ አየለ ጌትነት ተሰማኝ፡፡
ለኔ ብቻም አይደል የሐምሌ ፀጋው
የዓለሙ ሁሉ የሺ ደስታ ነው፡፡
በፍቃዱ ባይሆን ባምላካችን ፀጋ
ማን ያመጣው ነበር ሐምሌን ከፍሎ ዋጋ፡፡
ዘለዓለም ተወዳጅ ከልብ የማይጠፋ
ሐምሌ እኮ ነው ደጉ የነብሳቶች ተስፋ፡፡
አዳነች ይላሉ ለምለሟ አገር
ሐምሌ ባይጐበኛት ምንትዋብ ነበር፡፡
የለምለም መስክ ናፍቆት ሲያሳጣ መድረሻ፡፡
ሐምሌ ነው ደጉ ወር የዚህ ችግር መርሻ
አዝመራና ከብቱ ሁሉም በየፊት፡፡
አደመ ሲደሰት ሐምሌን በማየቱ፡፡
ጋራህ ሸንተረሩ ሜዳው ሁሉ አበበ
አለምሸት ሊያገኝ በተስፋ ጠገበ
ደስታውን አሰፋ ሐምሌን እያሰበ፡፡
ከነአድማሱ ወዲያ ዓይን እስካየው ድረስ
የሚያውቅ ማን አለ ሐምሌ እንደሚሰጥ ቅርስ፡፡
ሐምሌ ባላባቱ የእግዚአብሔር ስዩም
እንዳንተ ቸር ለጋስ በምድር የለም፡፡
ገላን የሚያሳምር ውበትን የሚያድስ
ትልቅ ቸርነት ነው ይኽ የሐምሌ ቅርስ፡፡
የሐምሌን ውለታ ሊከፍሉ ሲጥሩ
ሐብቱስ ወዴት ሊገኝ መች ይበቃል ብሩ፡፡
ይህን አቢይ ወር አምላክ ሲፈጥረው
ለወራቱ ሁሉ አርጐ ጌታቸው
ለግርማው አጐልማሽ ነጐድጓድ ሰጠው፡፡
ውላለኝ ትዝታው የሐምሌ ፈገግታ
ከፊቴ አልሄድ አለኝ ጠዋትና ማታ፡፡
እንደምን አስቻለው እንዴትስ ሆነለት
ስለ ሐምሌ ፍቅር የሰው ልጅ ከማውራት፡፡
ኣፈወርቅ ለዛማ ባለ ትልቅ ግርማ
ይፈጠር ይሆን ወይ ሓምሌ አንተ የሚያማ፡፡
አባይነሽ አንች ዓለም ሰፊ ያለቅጥ፡፡
የሐምሌን ስጦታ እንደገንፎ ጉርሻ ታደርጊያለሽ ዋጥ፡፡
ጭለማ ቢሉህም ሐምሌ ብርሃኑን
ንጋት መቺ ታጣች የቀን ውጋጋን፡፡
ብርቱኳን ቢለማ ቢያምር ቢያቋምጥ
ለሐምሌ እጅ ነው ያበባው እምቡጥ፡፡
ስር ጓዋጡ ሁሉ በአረንጓዴ አማረ
ሁሉም መልክ አገኘ ተዋበ እያደረ፡፡
በሐምሌ ተካሰ ተጐድቶም አልቀረ፡፡
ያለፍነውን ድርጊት አይተህ ችግሩን
ተስፋችን ነህና ሐምሌ የኛ ካሳሁን
ከየሴም የመጣን ከነገዱ ሁሉ፡፡
ሐምሌን መሳይ ለጋስ አልበቀለም አሉ፡፡
ሜዳውና አፋፉ ፈካ ብሎ ሲያዩት
የገብረሃናን ፌዝ ይመስላል ያወሩት፡፡
ገበሬው ታተረ ታገለ ከእርፉ
በሩቅ ስለታየው የሐምሌ ወር ዘርፉ፡፡
ዩሴፍና አብርሃም የገቡት ከገነት
የሐምሌን አጋማሽ አልሰሩም ደግነት፡፡
አምላክ በችሎቱ ሲበይን በፍርዱ
ሐምሌን አንግሦታል በችሮታ ዘውዱ፡፡
መጣ እየከበደ ሐምሌ መስታዋት
በችግር ላይ ሁነን የማግኘት ጭላንጭል የምናይበት
ሂኬ ደቻሳ መልክአም ጉደታ በሙሉ ስም ነው
ከሐምሌት ሞክሼ አርጐ ሐምሌ ያለው ማነው፡፡
ሰለሞን ጥበቡ እንጂ ባይታይ ስህተቱ
ተሽሮ ውድቅ ሆኗል አዲስ ነገር የለም የሚለው ትንቢቱ፡፡
ታሪኩ አይዘርዘር ይቅርብን ማውራቱ
እኛ የምናውቀው ነጭ ያመጣው ጅቱ
ባይናችን ስናየው በከመ ቅጽበቱ
የሚያስደነፋን ነው ብር ብሎ መጥፋቱ፡፡
እንደዚሁም ደግሞ ሐምሌ በያመቱ
በአዲስነት እንጂ አይመጣም በጥንቱ፡፡
ወጥቼ ወርጄ ለፍቼ ያለረፍት
የሐምሌ ችሮታ ወጋየሁ በጥቅምት
ታደሰና ክብሩ የሐምሌ ሹመት
አሁንም መጣልን ሊያድለን ውበት፡፡
በሐምሌ ተስፋነት አውቀው ከታገሉ
መገኘቱ አይቀርም እንቁና አክሊሉ፡፡
ገበሬነኝ ፀላይ ባንተው ነው ተስፋዬ
በመላኩ ብለህ እንዳትቀና ሐምሌዬ፡፡
ግዛቸው ነብሳችን ውኃ እያጠጣህ
በዚህ ባንጣር በጋ እንዳለቁ አይተህ፡፡
ዕድለኛ ፍጡር ገበሬ ከሆን
ሕይወት ሳይኮበልል ሳይሄድ ሳይመንን፡፡
ለይኩን እያልን ሁሉንም አልፈን
መጪውን እንጠብቅ ሐምሌን ተስፋ አርገን፡፡
በዓይንዓለም ማየት በጣም መደሰት
ነገሩ ማሰላሰል ከልብ መጫወት
በሐምሌ ብቻ ነው ጣሙን ለሚያውቁት፡፡
የፏፏቴን ለዛ ሙዚቃ እየሰማሁ
ጥይቴን ደርድሬ ሽጉጥ አገንድሬ ጨፌውን እያየሁ
ኩራት ዘውዴን ጭኜ ጐርደድ ቆም እያልሁ
ፊቱን መለሰ እያልኩ ባምላኬ እየታመንሁ
ሐምሌ ያለማውን አዝመራ እየቃኘሁ
ገበሬ ስለሆንኩ ፊቴን እያፈካሁ
እድሜዩን በደስታ መግፋት እመኛለሁ፡፡
ከማጣት ወደማግኘት ለመድረስ በእግሬ
ፍጹም ስላቃተኝ በጋ ሙሉ ዞሬ
ሐምሌ ድረስልኝ ገላጋዩ አሻግሬ
ብዬ እዘምራለሁ ከልቤ ደፍሬ፡፡
በጐርፉ በውርጩ በኃይሉ አስፈራርቶ
ሽብሩ እንዲባባስ ነጐድጓድ አምታቶ
በመብረቅ ባትሪው የጠፋውን አይቶ
ተሾመ ለሁሉም ሐምሌ ክብር አግኝቶ፡፡
ታዲያ ይህን ለጋስ አስተካካይ ወር
ንጉሤ አለኝታዬ የማይል ፍጡር
አለ ወይ በምድር ከወፍ ከአዝርእቱ ከገበሬው ጋር፡፡
ከበፍርዱ በቀለ
ሰክ …………….. የተለየ የናፍቆት ሰላምታችን ይድረሳችሁ
ሐምሌ ……..ቀን ……ዓ.ም ዕሁድ ከ …በ….ሰዓት በምናዘጋጀው ስነበዓል ላይ እንድትገኙልን በታላቅ ትህትና እንለምናለን