This blog post presents a discussion on the phenomena known as a record rush. Similar to the Gold Rush phenomena of the late 1800 and early 1900. Exploring the record rush is critical to underscore why it is necessary for improving record capturing to create knowledge and wisdom for economic transformation in the Grater Horn of Africa. Currently, there is a tremendous amount of competition to control and exploit records to generate knowledge and gain competitive advantage (Espinosa J. Alberto, Armour, Frank, 2016). Modern day stake claiming approach in the record rush happens through the modern tool known as database. Databases is a means of organizing records for patenting them and exclude others from unauthorized access or use.
Record rush which is carried out to create knowledge and wisdom out of records is now a days a serious business. We surmise that Knowledge and wisdom generated from manipulated records can be a liberator (can do more things with it independently), enriching (help create value, wealth, and satisfaction) and an equalizer (widely and freely available to everyone). As in the past no doubt knowledge generated using analyzed and synthesized record is the way to the knowledge and wisdom driven economic transformation of the future.