School Attendance

 Debre Zeit School Attendance by Age and Sex:

(Source: fe1c6t0qy9y81.jpg (1000×1000) (

While school attendance is not mandatory, in 2007 in Debre Zeit, significant proportion of children five year and older were either attending school or have attended school. What is worth noting is those children who are five years and older who have never attended school for different reasons. Debre Zeit, which is an urban town, has reported that  14.4 percent of the school age children (five years and older) have never attended school. The school non attendance is twice worse for female children than male. This could be primarily due to the heavy burden the females carry with the house work and as their role as bread winners for the family. 

The School not attendance and the dire situation of female non attendance situation gets even worth when we look at the situation in East Shewa Zone and the Oromia region as a Whole. One factor is that both East Shewa Zone and Oromia region were predominantly rural and school non attendance is prevalent in the rural areas. 

In fact the situation might have been really bad back in the 1950 and 1960 when the cohorts of the 1970 were going to school. The 1970 cohorts are probably the first in their family who went to school, completed elementary, high school and went to university.


Especially the school attendance looks better in 2007 as a result of  the literacy campaign undertaken During the Military Regime, 1974-1991 ( See Germa Amare’s: An Appraisal of the Literacy Campaign in Ethiopia During the Military Regime, 1974-1991,An Appraisal of the Literacy Campaign in Ethiopia During the Military Regime, 1974-1991 on JSTOR ).


% of Total Never Attended
Total Male Female
BISHOFTU/TOWN/-WEREDA 14.39% 8.98% 19.31%
BISHOFTU/TOWN/WEREDA-URBAN 14.39% 8.98% 19.31%
EAST SHEWA ZONE 51.63% 46.22% 57.35%
EAST SHWEA ZONE URBAN 21.82% 15.63% 27.94%
EAST SHWEA ZONE-RURAL 62.27% 56.66% 68.34%
OROMIA REGION 61.83% 54.28% 69.46%
OROMIA REGION_URBAN 24.88% 17.76% 32.16%
OROMIA REGION-RURAL 67.40% 59.83% 75.05%

To help further analysis, the table below provides more breakdown of school attendance. It is important to note that the key part is those who attended school in the past. These includes those who participated in literacy campaign. Unfortunately the number of school age children five years and older who are currently attending school is smaller than those who attended school in the past. This emphasizes that a significant portion of school attendance is happening in the informal or non regular  arrangements. 

Poupulation 5 Years Old and Older by School Attendence and Sex: 2007
All Persons Currently Attending Attended in the Past Never Attended% of Total Never Attended
EAST SHEWA ZONE11648305983815664492608221411661196563025761806641219126014322765513248810.516325987483150.462165409663740.57353971849187
EAST SHWEA ZONE URBAN306370152286154084101057517184933913844876761616876686523807430580.218249175833140.156330851161630.27944497806391
EAST SHWEA ZONE-RURAL8584634460984123651597668944970317164129103904602255345682527452818230.622703599339750.566568332518860.68343094103525
OROMIA REGION22545311113402311120508043042272437016186721143019362747314155462213939148615590177832470.618272597792060.542837354900440.69461770911051
OROMIA REGION_URBAN295651214962191460293111208760150651058111089846289564800287354412657574696840.248752922362570.177619051756460.32163682219938
OROMIA REGION-RURAL195888019844013974478831921421835511135663131929522118358107459413203707589014473135630.674043653820360.598347848585730.75051022146403