
Family Circumstances in Debre Zeit:

The family situation where children grow is a very important ingredient for future success of young people. During the 1950s in America, “there was a deeply ingrained social stigma against divorce… So, the stereotypical nuclear family of the 1950s consisted of an economically stable family made up of a father, mother, and two or three children.” (Source: The 1950s Family: Structure, Values and Everyday Life | LoveToKnow

The situation in Ethiopia and Debre Zeit was different. For instanced using nonrandomized sample, among our six friends, one is from a single mother family while the other the other five are from a two-parent family.  Although we do not have a statistical picture of the family circumstances in the 1950s and 1960s in Debre Zeit, it is helpful to see the family circumstances using the 2007 Ethiopian census.

Therefore, according to the 2007 census, 83. 5 percent of the children in Debre Zeit grow up in two parent families while 13.6 percent were from one of their parents. interims of gender split of the single parents; 10.2 percent of the children were growing with a single mother while 3.4 percent with a single father family. As is the case now, the single fathers make up a small proportion of the single parent family in those days.

To provide context, in the East Shew Zone and Oromia region, proportionally higher percentage of the children 18 years old and younger were growing in a two-parent family, that is 87.7 % and 90.2 % respectively. It looks like the more urbanized a community is like Debre Zeit, the higher the incidence of one parent family. East Shewa and Oromia region with a high proportion of rural community have a relatively lower incidence of one family. This could have been due to a relatively low family breakdown. 

Hence, Debre Zeit compared with the East Shewa Zone and the Oromia Region was relatively disadvantaged in terms of growing up in a two-parent family.  However, from anecdotal data, among the cohorts of the 1970, we can attest that those who grew in single mother family have succeeded despite the disadvantages of having only one family. 

%  from two parent family %  from Single Mother family %  from Single father family
83.52% 10.22% 3.36%
84.26% 10.05% 2.93%
82.88% 10.36% 3.74%
87.72% 8.36% 2.34%
87.86% 8.19% 2.33%
87.57% 8.53% 2.35%
90.25% 6.30% 2.19%
90.33% 6.23% 2.17%
90.17% 6.37% 2.21%

One of the counter balancing factors for those who grew up in a single mother family is the support and caring of the community and love and encouragement from great friends. In those days, the community is not a spectator in child rearing. If a community member sees a child doing something wrong, they will stop and discipline the child and provide guidance instead of leaving it to his or her parents. The community is the parent of its young citizens.

Wonderful friends would also step in and help when their friend who is from a single mother family is headed in the wrong direction. For instance, Taddesse and Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu were great friends since grade 4. Taddesse grew up in a single mother household. When Taddesse was in Grade 10, for no apparent reason he took a tutoring job after school for 10 Birr per month.

Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu saw this to be an irresponsible short, sited act and persuaded Taddesse to quit the tutoring job and concentrate on his studies to prepare for Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Exam that is only two years away. In this case, Dr. Tebabu Tessema Wubetu intervened, and Taddesse quit the job. This helped Taddesse to turn around and succeed in his efforts.

The table below provides a more wholesome picture of the family situation in Debre Zeit in 2007 when the census was taken. Those who grew in Debre Zeit in the 1950s and 1960s are invited to picture back and remember what the family situation looked like. You may still fill the knock on the head from the community members; however, despite the memory of the pain, you may still have a fond memory.

Children Under 18 Years of Age by Orphanhood Status and Sex: 2007 Census
Percent Distribution
SexChildren Under 18 Years of AgeBoth Parents aliveMother Only aliveFather Only aliveBoth Parents DeceasedNot Stated% from two parent family% from Single Mother family% from Single father family
Both Sexes3589229977366710081158820.835200044578180.102167613952970.033625779764486
Both Sexes67152858904856118137791133312500.877175635267630.083567624879380.023391981638169
Both Sexes1470703913272984926072290699196479208050.902491929204780.0629679434453120.021901555821961
Female721335665042054594411437219757184180.901689172141230.0636930993007970.022096628258181 #REF!